Conferences and Training for the Construction Industry

Concrete Solutions 9th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Durability and Technology
16-18 June 2025 LNEC Lisbon, Portugal
Template for paper submissions submit in Word and PDF please – Click
If you encounter problems registering to send an abstract, note that the language can be changed to English or Spanish.
Accepted papers will be published in the Web of Science indexed open access journal MATEC Web of Conferences (each paper will receive a DOI). Do you want to see papers from a previous event?
Supporting Organizations

Key Dates
Submission of Abstracts
31 December 2024
Notification of Acceptance
12 January 2025
Full paper submission
16 February 2025
Notification of Acceptance
31 March 2025
Conference Themes
Coming soon in Portugal. Watch this space!
- Self-Healing Concrete
- Patch Repair
- Electrochemical Repair
- Strengthening Materials and techniques/Repair with Composites
- Surface Protection Methods and Materials
- Repair of Fire Damage
- NDT and Diagnosis of Problems
- Repair and Preservation of Heritage Structures
- Service Life Modelling
- Whole Life Costing
- Risk Management
- Case Studies
- Sustainable repair
- Structural Health Monitoring
- Concrete durability
- Concrete & admixture technology
Best Paper Award
“Concrete Solutions 2025 / RILEM” Best Paper Award
The purpose of the Best Paper Award is to recognize papers submitted to the “Concrete Solutions 9th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Durability and Technology” that offer a significant contribution to the field of Concrete Repair, Durability and Technology.
All full papers submitted, presented and published in the proceedings are eligible for competition for the Best Paper Award, as long as the first author is under 35 years of age. The Organizing Committee will consider innovation, significance to the research community, scientific impact and technical excellence.
The first author of the papers receiving the highest scores by the Organizing Committee members will be awarded with the Best Paper Award. The first author of the awarded papers will be entitled to a one-year free RILEM membership (subject to RILEM confirmation). The overall best paper awardee will have the possibility to submit a paper to RILEM Technical Letters.
Attendee | Fee Euros |
Author | 600 |
Delegate | 650 |
Registration fee Delegate made at the registration desk | 750 |
Student* | 320 |
Single Day Registration | 320 |
Members of Grupo Português de Betão Estrutural (GPBE), Associação Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (APEE), and Ordem dos Engenheiros (OE) and Instituto Brasileiro do Concreto (IBRACON) are entitled to a fee discount of 50 €.
Applicable to “Author fee”, “Delegate fee”, and “Delegate fee at registration desk”.
Author fee includes the publication of a maximum of one paper per registration on the dedicated issue of MATEC Web of Conferences. To get your conference paper published in MATEC Web of Conferences, at least one of the authors must register and pay before 31.03.2025. We may consider adding one additional paper per author for an additional fee of 40 Euros.
Student rates are for Bona Fide students only. Proof of student status will be required. The Student rate is for ACCOMPANYING STUDENTS ONLY OR STUDENTS ATTENDING AS DELEGATES. If a student is presenting a paper and no other delegate or author from that organisation is attending, they must register at the Author rate. The Student rate does NOT include the Conference Dinner – though that can be purchased.
Refund Policy –
If you require a letter of Invitation, please mail us and provide the following information :-
The data we need in order for LNEC to send an invitation letter for visa issue is:
- Personal Information (Name, country, position, e-mail, Passport Nr, Address)
- Scanned passport
- Town of your country with a British Consulate
- Title of the presentation in the Conference
- Copy of Registration Ticket for the Event
Abstracts/Final Papers
Please submit your abstracts and final papers using the link below.
Special rates for hotel accommodation in Lisbon for participants will be made available. Delegates will be provided with the details once they are negotiated,
Please note that we WILL accept all levels of sponsorship from online sponsors so a physical presence at the event is NOT mandatory.
This package will be restricted to a maximum of two sponsors
- A web page on the web site, with links to your own site.
- Mention on opening slides and banners at the event with logo (artwork to be provided).
- Information included in all delegate packs (sponsor to provide).
- A single page advert in the published Proceedings.
- A space up to 6m x 2m for exhibition (sponsor to provide own stand*, but chair and table available).
- Two delegates may attend the conference and Gala Dinner *If required, the local organization can provide stands at an extra cost, please contact us for a quote.
Support special exhibitions.
- An entry on the web site, with links to your own site.
- information included in all delegate packs (sponsor to provide).
- Listing as a sponsor in the Published Proceedings.
- A space up to 3m x 2m for exhibition (sponsor to provide own stand*, but chair and table available).
- Two delegates may attend the conference and Gala Dinner. *If required, the local organization can provide stands at an extra cost, please contact us for a quote.
This, lower cost, package is available and includes
- An entry on the web site,
- A space up to 3m x 2m for exhibition (sponsor to provide own stand*, but chair and table available).
- One delegate may attend the conference and Gala Dinner *If required, the local organization can provide stands at an extra cost, please contact us for a quote.